By RACHEL RASKIN-ZRIHEN/Times-Herald staff writer
Posted: 02/06/2009

A Solano County lobby group is in Washington, D.C., to appeal for transportaion project funds. Some of the funds are expected to be used to jumpstart the waterfront project which may include a new parking structure. (Chris Riley/Times-Herald)
City Councilman Tom Bartee, in Washington this week lobbying for money for the city's transportation projects, said Thursday he expects the anticipated federal stimulus package funds to jump-start several stalled projects here.
Bartee joined a contingent sent by the Solano Transportation Authority's (STA) board of directors to advocate for Solano's top priority transportation projects.
Bartee said about $12 million should come Vallejo's way, assuming Congress pass the highly anticipated stimulus package.
"We had a personal meeting in the Presidents Room outside the (Senate) Chambers with Barbara Boxer, and everyone came away feeling optimistic about the opportunities the stimulus package could mean for the area,"
Bartee said. "Everyone we talked to, and we talked to eight Congress members, was pretty optimistic that 'shovel-ready' projects will get funded, so it's a pretty good probability."
Among other projects, Vallejo officials hope to get
$4 million for the Vallejo Intermodal Station -- a main element in the waterfront redevelopment plan, Bartee said. That estimated $99 million, multi-use, two-phase project would create a parking structure, paseo and commercial/retail area along the waterfront. The city has about $56 million of the funds set to be released by 2011, said Public Works Director Gary Leach. The $4 million in stimulus funds would permit the project's first phase to start this year, he said.
Vallejo also seeks $2.5 million to repair and maintain local streets and roads, $1.5 million for preventive bus maintenance and $2.7 million to buy 15 hybrid buses, Bartee said. There were 10 items in all, he said.
Bartee said the impression he got from lawmakers is that they feel a sense of urgency in passing the stimulus package.
"Everyone seemed to think it would be passed by Feb. 16," he said. And his impression was that the package's passage means automatic approval of at least some of the funds for Vallejo's projects, Bartee said.
"We also asked our representatives to consider a provision that would allow stimulus funds to be used for operational expenditures and not just capital expenses," he said. This could help replace funds being withheld by the state as it struggles with its budget impasse, he said.
Lawmakers seemed receptive to the idea, Bartee said.
"We came away feeling that lawmakers were impressed by the STA's approach -- having agreed on several key issues -- which delivers a clear message to our elected officials," he said. "It seemed well-received."
Assuming passage of the stimulus bill, Bartee said money would likely start flowing in two or three months.
"They're trying to prevent further precipitous declines in unemployment and other areas of the economy," he said.
Should the local projects go forward, jobs would be created not just in the design and building, but also in ancillary businesses that provide goods and services, Bartee said.
"It will have a lot of spin-off effects," he said. "It will be a shot in the arm."
Other participants in the trip include STA Board Chair and Solano County Supervisor Jim Spering, Suisun City Mayor Pete Sanchez, Fairfield Mayor Harry Price and Vacaville Mayor Len Augustine.
E-mail Rachel Raskin-Zrihen at or call 553-6824.
Solano submitted the following requests for the fiscal year 2010 Federal Transportation Appropriations Program:
* Travis Air Force Base North Gate Access Improvements -- $5 million.
* Alternative fuel SolanoExpress bus replacement -- $2 million.
* State Route 12 major investment study -- $500,000.
* Fairfield Transportation Center -- $2 million.
* Vacaville Intermodal Station, Phase 2 -- $2 million.
Source: Solano Transportation Administration
Vallejo's requests included:
* $1.5 million for bus preventive maintenance.
* $4 million for the Vallejo Intermodal Station project.
* $1.5 million for Vallejo ferry terminal Americans with Disabilities Act improvements.
* $1 million to rehab bus shelters.
* $2.7 million for 15 hybrid buses.
* $200,000 for para transit vehicles.
* $2.5 million for security, GPS and other technology for city buses.
Source: Solano Transportation Authority