Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Plan Bay Area 2040 open house

Beginning in late April, residents from across the Bay Area will come together at a series of public open houses to discuss how to plan for our region’s future growth.

Will you be there?

Plan Bay Area, the region’s long-range transportation and housing roadmap, is being updated. The Plan looks to the year 2040, when two million more residents and 1.1 million new jobs are expected in the nine-county Bay Area. How this growth takes place will affect us all in the community.

Please consider attending a workshop, where you can view displays, ask questions and offer comments on long-term goals to:

·       House the projected population,
·       Maintain and enhance our transportation infrastructure,
·       Reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
·       Improve public health and much more.

Plus, you’ll be able to learn about how future housing and employment numbers are forecast and what transportation improvements are already in the pipeline for the region. A complete list of the open houses is available at

Can’t attend the open house? Join the online discussion at or share your thoughts on Facebook or Twitter.

What kind of Bay Area we build today will be the legacy we leave for the next generation. If we want to continue to have a strong economy, with a range of housing and employment options for our region’s residents, we need to plan now.

I encourage you to attend an open house and help spread the word about the event to your colleagues. If you want to receive updates about Plan Bay Area 2040, sign up here: