Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Transit funding headed to Solano

Transit funding headed to Solano
By Reporter Staff/
Posted: 07/24/2009

Vacaville and Solano County are getting more money to expand its transportation efforts.

Rep. George Miller, D-Solano, announced Thursday evening in a press release that the House of Representatives approved $1 million for mass transit in Solano County.

The money will go to two projects that are priorities for the Solano Transportation Agency intended to improve bus service in the county.

Thursday's House vote is not the final stop for approval of this funding, but final approval is expected in September.

"These funds will help make mass transit in Solano more efficient and less expensive and will help reduce our dependence on foreign oil," Miller said. "I am proud to continue to be able to secure funding for these priority programs that directly help improve our community."

Vacaville, through the Solano Transportation Authority (STA), will receive $500,000 for Phase 2 of its Intermodal Station, which will streamline express bus service to the Bay Area and the Sacramento regions along the Interstate 80 corridor, and provide efficient connections to local bus service.

STA will receive another $500,000 for its Alternative Fuel Solano Express bus replacement. The money will be used to meet current service demands with alternative fuel buses and/or prepare for potential service expansions.

The new buses will produce lower amounts tailpipe emissions, including both greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and soot. Using alternative fuel buses is part of STA's and Solano County's climate-change strategy.

The transit services provided, according to a press release, will reduce the number of cars on the road, thereby further reducing greenhouse gas emissions. A transit study along State Route 12, between Napa and Solano County, also shows a need for transit service which currently does not exist. The requested alternative fuel buses could be used to phase in transit along this heavily traveled intercounty corridor.

The complete list of Miller's appropriations requests can be found on his Web site at george miller.house.gov/appropsFY10.